Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations For Your Business 

Whether you’re a hotel, airport, university, shopping center, dealership, workplace and more, we can handle your entire electric vehicle (EV) charging station needs.

Fill out our contact form and a professional will reach out to you to learn more about your electrical vehicle (EV) charging station needs.

(Looking for a residential charging station – click HERE)

What are the benefits of installing an electric vehicle charging station?

  • Satisfy corporate emissions reduction goals

  • Tax exemptions and incentive benefits

  • Boost commercial property values

  • Attract more clientele which can lead to an increase in sales

  • Advertising opportunities at EV charging station sites

Here are some items to consider when installing a commercial EV charging station:

  • Licensed Electrical Contractors

    • Property owners should choose a local electrical contractor that is qualified to install EV charging stations. All wiring should be in accordance with the NEC (National Electric Code). A licensed electrician will able to handle all the planning such as completing an electrical local calculation, choosing the optimal location for design specs, and ensuring that all the wiring is in accordance with the NEC (National Electric Code).

  • Commercial Permits

    • Installing a commercial EV charging station is more complex than a residential installation and requires additional permits and documentation. Consider the following when looking for permits:

      • Zoning Requirements

      • Community or Design Guidelines

      • Existing Use Permits

      • Electrical Source/Metering

      • Parking and Signage Requirements

      • Permit and Inspection Fees

A local qualified electrical contractor will be able to handle all the necessary documentation during installation. 

  • Inspection

    • Many jurisdictions require an inspection to review all electrical and structural changes. Also, many companies will not honor the warranty of your equipment without having the installation inspected.

Interested in working with Transworld, Inc.?

We are a licensed electrical contractor and we’ve installed hundreds of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations. We can assist you through the entire process from permitting, installation, inspection, and repairs. Electricians are ChargePoint 4,000 series certified and 1000 series certified.

Fill out our contact form and a professional will reach out to you to learn more about your electrical vehicle (EV) charging station needs.

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